GOD’s Favourite Hour

Time and time again in the Bible, have you noticed whesummer-clockjpg-65188d6577b92ac3n God shows up? 

Lets take the story of Abraham, he was an old man awaiting his time of departure when God decided to gift him at the age of 100 with a son, Isaac (God has given us laughter) that he so longed for. (Genesis.21:5-6)

What about Hannah, who was so desperately bullied by Peninnah because she was childless and when she was on the verge of breaking, God gave her a son, Samuel (God has heard).  (1Samuel.1-2)

Consider Daniel and his friends, they trusted God’s faithfulness right up to the pit of lions and firing furnace. And God didn’t fail them, He rescued them from the mouth of lions and firing furnace. (Daniel.3,6)

Elijah found God’s strength, when he though that he was condemned to death by Jezebel, hopelessly sleeping at the foot of a broom tree. (1 Kings 19:4-6) 

What about Lazarus (God is my help), who was left to die, so that the resurrecting power of God may be revealed in him! (John.11:38-44)

Have we noticed a pattern here? It seems that God remains quiet for a long time and for once we reach a point when we feel He is not paying any attention to us and all our groaning. It may seem that God only shows up when we are at the end of our rope, when we nearly give up. Why is that? Why does He allow us to reach almost breaking point? I believe its for a couple of reasons:

  1. God wants us to come to the end of our own strength and capabilities so we can fully rely on Him. If God answers our prayers as soon as, then we can end up being proud and puffed up and fall. 
  2. God wants to show us that He is able to do the impossible, where it goes far beyond human comprehension and reason. In such cases the only explanation to the situation is that GOD HAS DONE IT! So that all glory goes to Him alone and we do not glory in the flesh what so ever. 

Therefore we can say that God’s favourite hour is the last hour, when all seems at the verge of loss, when we hold our breath, at the pinnacle of uncertainty. God shows up in His majesty!